I recently drove to Homer for work. As I was driving down the Seward Highway on a beautiful sunny morning, I could not help but take in the beautiful scenery. We are surrounded by beauty, but Turnagain Arm just south of Anchorage is special. The railroad tracks and highway run parallel between the Cook Inlet and the Chugach Mountain Range.
- Seward Highway
The hiking trails along the highway are fantastic. Take your time and walk some of the trails. Just be careful of bears.
- Turnagain Trail System with bear bait(small dog)
There are spectacular views form the trail.
- Seward Highway from trail
Occasionally you can chance upon some curious creatures. These sheep saw us coming up the trail. They did not seem bothered at all, just curious and watched as we passed by. Of course, I took about 30 or 40 photos on the way!
- Who goes there?
Of course, from the highway there are some grand views as well. Sometimes, we Alaskans, lose patience with tourists as they slow down to take in the view. Who can blame them?
- HDR from the Seward Highway
As you can tell, I like using HDR to enhance my photos. I have a blog entry on HDR photography here.
- Alaska Railroad HDR
We just might be found on the trail system this weekend. Hope you enjoyed the photos.
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