Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Photographing Petersville, Alaska

My wife and I have two 4 wheelers. There is no better way to quickly explore Alaska's backcountry. I have been a hiker for years, but on Sunday we covered 50 miles in one day's riding. We arrived on Petersville road just after sunrise. I was hoping Denali would be out, but it was shrouded in clouds all day. We had four 4 wheelers to explore the trails. The more, the better. It is important to at least pair up, anything can happen.

This is my wife Meg and her twin sister as we were starting out. Although it would get to be about 50 degrees, it was 34 when we started.

Petersville is a gorgeous area of the state. Here is a shot from the road as we took a break. There are dozens of places to camp, but can get crowded during hunting season.

Here is Meg and Kim heading up the road. Kim's husband John is far out in front, scouting the road.

Another shot as the road winds into the foothills. We would eventually make it to the snowline.

As we got futher down the road, we came across quite a few water crossings. Nothing too deep though. I have had my 4 wheeler swept away by the Matanuska River once. I do not want to repeat that.

Meg and Kim enjoy the view. We took a lunch break here and enjoyed the solitude. We were the only ones up here. This photo does not do justice to the view.

Meg and Kim coming around a corner on the way back. This is truly some beautiful country. It was hard to keep your eyes on the road.

Another shot from the road. We really enjoyed the road and trails in Petersville this weekend, but we also appreciated the beauty and solitude the 4 wheelers gave us.

I usually do not take my camera on these outings, but have done so the last couple trips. I will share another trip soon.

By the way, I was notified that I won the photo contest for the Homer Visitors Guide. I am not sure which photo won, but it will appear on the cover of the 2009 Guide.

Two of my photos appear in the online version of the Alaska Magazine photo contest. The fox and farm are mine.




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