Friday, March 20, 2009

Homer Eagle Feedings

I wanted my family to witness an eagle feeding in Homer Alaska. Jean Keene, the eagle lady, died this winter and Homer will not allow public feedings in Homer after March 27th. Jean has been feeding eagles for 30 years and it is a very unique opportunity to get up close to dozens of bald eagles. I usually go a couple times a winter to get my eagle fix. I just love these magnificent raptors.

Photographers from all over the world visit Homer in the winter to photograph eagles. You can click on each photo to get a larger view.

The lineup
The lineup

My daughter among the photographers. This was an hour and a half before feedings and it was 7 degrees F with a stiff wind.....brrrrrr. I met photographers from England, Mass.,Alabama, Oklahoma, California, Canada and some Flickr friends as well. The majority of them were enthusiastic amateurs with much bigger budgets than me.

I was shooting eagles for the first time with my 5D mark ii with my 100-400mm. I gave my daughter a 40D with a 70-200mm 2.8 with a 1.4 teleconverter. I sure did have lens envy with all the 600mm around, but we were so close here. Sometimes you could feel the vortex created by the wings of the eagles as they flew in.

Catch of the Day
Catch of the Day

Fish were being thrown in the air and the eagles would launch off their perch and grab the fish. Amazing to watch, even more amazing to photograph with my super slow 5D.

Hanging Out
Hanging Out

Did not put my wide angle lens on, but this gives you an idea of the numbers of eagles.

An Eagle Lineup
Coming at me
Coming at me
Got a fish
Got a fish
Another Catch
Another Catch
In for the catch
In for the catch
Hanging On
Hanging On
Over the Water
Over the Water

Most of these shots are straight out of the camera, no post processing. I took some video with the 5D as well. I will put something together soon.

Thanks for stopping by.


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